Friday, February 09, 2007

Compliment of the week

A parent from the church I currently minister at called me on the phone today. She wanted to let me know that she was listening to the Moody Founder’s Conference in the car with her 9 year old son today. John MacArthur was preaching (on the radio) so this lady told her son that John MacArthur was Caleb and Andrea’s former pastor. A bit later in the broadcast this little guy told his mom that Caleb sounds just like this guy. He said they both say a lot of the same things too.

I never thought a 9 year old could inadvertently hand out such a nice complement. Though I know it’s not wholly true, it still made me smile.


Tacosix said...

Hey, Mr. Seminary graduate, Mr. John MacArthur III...isn't it "compliment" rather than "complement"?

Otherwise, I would agree with the young man...


Anonymous said...

aw, that's nice to hear, isn't it? preach on, brother...


Caleb Kolstad said...

Mark and Laura,

He never said i could write like MacArthur. My grammar needs serious help (as does my spelling).

You guys are very gracious to me.


(Compliment of the Week) right on. :)

Caleb Kolstad said...


Please send me your family blog site again.

We miss you guys already,


Tacosix said...


It shows you already accepted and are in...

it should be at and you use your FBC / Blogger login to get in.

Please let me know if anyone else wants in. I am hesitant to have it opened to the entire Internet because my children are on there along with our location.

Went to our first church service while being up here. It was at Merriam Christian Chapel. The pastor is a huge MacArthur fan...they promote NANC and thier conferences. The senior pastor has been very ill, so the youth pastor has been preaching alot lately. Today he started a series on 2 Tim. He did a great job...not like you would do, but it was a good start. ;-)

We miss you all as well...

Tacosix said...

Caleb...If you didnt see last nights David Letterman, then you missed a great one...Peyton got 20 minutes of face time. it was great. also, how you adjusting to the snow?

Caleb Kolstad said...

12 inches of SNOW!! Crazy.

P Manning is a joke. With or without a ring he is one of my least favorite players in the league Taco. :)


Tacosix said...

Yea, because Wrecks Grossman is WAY better than Peyton Manning...

I detect jealousy in that tone.

Caleb Kolstad said...

Manning is NOT my homeboy!