Saturday, October 08, 2005

a few random questions/thoughts on 1 Tim 2:9-15

Should Women teach Men? If so, in what context? If not, why?

Question #1: What type of teaching is restricted by Paul in 1 Timothy 2:9-15?

Question #2
Is the parachurch exempt from 1 Timothy 2:9-15?

Why or why not?

IF so, what about other instructions given to the Church? How do we determine which principles are strictly for the church and which ones should govern all Christian organizations?

1 Cor 14:33-35- Provides us with a similar teaching.

Man is to have the central place of authority in the Church (1 Tim 2:9-15) and in the home (Eph 5); apparently teaching/preaching implies some form of authority.

(Women are to teach younger women, Titus 2:3,4).

The issue then is submission and order as designed by God.

Question #3

How should 1 Timothy 2:14 (women "who was easily deceived") effect how we do ministry?

COMMAND: “I dont not allow a woman teach OR exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet” in the context of public worship?


1. God’s design from creation was for man to lead and woman to follow (order of creation).

“For a woman to teach in church, he suggests, is tantamount to her wielding authority over a man, i.e. domineering, or laying down the law to, him; and this, he implies, is contrary to natural order.” JND Kelly

2. Also, woman was easily deceived and thus she should “not be trusted as a teacher.”

“Paul makes one further point. It was the woman who was deceived by Satan and who disobeyed God. Since she was so easily deceived, she should not be trusted as a teacher.” Ralph Earle.

By nature, is it any less authoritative for a woman to teach men OUTSIDE of the church context? (NO)

This is probably why The Master’s College has no female chapel speakers;(except during split chapels)

Why TMC has no FT female Bible professors (who instruct men);

Is this coincidental? (personally i don't think so)

[How many female Vice Presidents (department heads) does TMC have leading the various departments; especially when the leadership is spiritual or focused on Biblical studies?]

“The emphasis of the verse is not that women should learn but HOW they should learn.” Mounce, 1 Tim 2:11.

What does it mean in verse 11 “to quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness?” (Verse 12 gives one example)

Parachurch Arguments/Questions:

What about allowing a woman to teach an adult bible study outside of the public worship service? Is this ok? Why or why not?

Why not allow woman to teach Bible classes at the Master’s college and seminary? (I know my convictions, I'm asking for yours!)

Why not even allow woman to preach at TMC and TMS chapels? They are parachurch organizations.

WOULD YOU ALLOW THESE THINGS TO HAPPEN? Why not, what line of argumentation would you use.

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