Monday, April 05, 2010

What do John Piper and Rick Warren have in common?

They will be preaching at the same national conference hosted by John Piper.

Please check out the following blog post/review by Mr. Tim Challies

It is always good to remember that 'the best of men (Mohler, Piper, Graham, MacArthur, your Christian grandfather, etc) are still men at best.' Only Jesus and the Holy Scriptures are without error. That doesn't mean these men shouldn't be read and listened to but it does mean we should examine everything/everyone with Scripture!

Here is what i posted over at DGM's blogspot with regards to John Piper's decision. I read through much of Warren's book "The Purpose of Christmas." Here are the areas/issues that concerned me:

1. On Pg. 56 Pastor Warren actually writes, "In His brilliant book Jesus of Nazareth, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI writes...." No wonder our current President was comfortable asking Warren to pray at his address. I don't think Jesus (see Matthew 23) would call the Pharisees HIS HOLINESS. That statement was so shocking i had to read it 5x over. I still hope that i am missing something here...

2. Warren continues to use various translations and paraphrases to support his statements. Much has been written on that matter already (and not from a KJV only perspective).

3. I did not care for the "give Jesus a TRY" language of the book (note pp 69, 73-74, and 80.)

4. I felt the book was too Me-orientated and Man-centered. What can God do for you? (sorry UPS)

5. When he name dropped "John Stott" (pg 53-54) it left a bad taste in my mouth. Just because a famous man of God says you're great doesn't discount the criticism and concerns of your critics. The same is true with Driscoll with regards to John Piper. This is especially pertinent seeing many of Rick Warren's gospel critics are well respected men of God.

Bottom line: Deal with their concerns fairly and defend your positions with Scripture!

6. Everyone please READ Evangelism Divided by Iain H Murray. In some ways, Rick Warren is the new Billy Graham (the older Graham). That book is a must read.

7. That is not to say Warren is a heretic. It is to say I would not give Warren a preaching platform at our churches Bible conference (I’m the lead pastor). John Piper and his elders must make these decisions on behalf of DGM and BBC. Let's continue to pray for them!"

I also posted this, "Your decision to bring Rick Warren is very disappointing but also not super surprising. It appears you like to stir the pot by bringing in controversial speakers (Driscoll, Wilson, etc)...

Some of your readers below have judged peoples motives ("outright jealousy") rather than listen to the actual critiques of Warren's ministry/methods....Least i do what i just critiqued above i will sign off now.

One more thing. Dr. Piper would be well served to ask/require people to use their real names here rather than allow believers to hide behind pseudo internet IDs. People think twice before posting something with their real names.

I have always loved John Piper's expository preaching but have not always loved his discernment. May God continue to bless DGM!


Anonymous said...

Another decent review is here Caleb

Caleb Kolstad said...

Here is the conference i wish i could attend this year

Dean Olive said...

You are exactly right, Caleb; it is Piper's discernment that is the problem. I have a great admiration and respect for him and have learned much from him, so it is sad to see him make a mistake of this magnitude, again and again. Dean Olive

Caleb Kolstad said...


Always good to hear from old friend.


Anonymous said...

A helpful podcast!

Caleb Kolstad said...

Warren and the Jonas brothers- Easter Sunday

Anonymous said...

Anonymous comments will be tossed.