Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January Reading Report

1 Peter 2:2 says we should be like newborn infants in our desire for the Word of God. One of the dangers in reading too many Christian books in place of the Bible is that they can take us away from the Word of God instead of doing what they are intended to do, in bringing us closer to it (and Him). If we spend time reading a book about the Bible instead of the Bible itself on a consistent basis somethings not right. Sometimes I know I sin in this way so i am not throwing stones in a glass house.

None the less, good Christian books can be very helpful in our pursuit of godliness...In other words, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Read the Word and read good Christian books about the Incarnate Word.

Here is the latest update of the stuff i am trying to read outside of Scripture... What have you been reading??? Did you ask for any good books for Christmas?

Books I am currently reading:
Definite Atonement (Gary D. Long) Ch 4
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (Don Whitney) Ch 9
Future Israel (Barry Horner) Ch 9
The Exemplary Husband (Stuart Scott) Ch 3
Shepherding a Child's Heart (Tedd Tripp) Ch 11
Christian Living Beyond Belief (Cliff McManis) Ch 8
Numerous Jude commentaries (various authors)

Books i might never finish:
The Message of the O.T. (by Mark Dever)
What Jesus Demands from the World (by John Piper)
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1 (John Calvin) (Book 1, Ch 17)

Books I’ve finished in the last year or so:
Pages from Church History (Stephen J. Nichols)
Assured by God: Living in the Fullness of God's Grace (various authors)
The Reformation (Stephen J. Nichols)
Spurgeon VS Hyper-Calvinism (Iain Murray)
A Scottish Christian Heritage (Iain Murray)
Meetings that Work (A Strauch)
The Truth War (By John MacArthur)
No Place for the Truth (by David F. Wells).
The Cross and Christian Ministry (D.A. Carson).
Women's Ministry in the Local Church (Ligon Duncan/Susan Hunt)
The Holiness of God (by R.C. Sproul)
Growing Up Christian (by Paul Graustein)
How America Lost Her Innocence (By Steve Gallagher)
From Pride to Humility (pamphlet by Dr. Stuart Scott)
Humility: True Greatness (by C.J. Mahaney)
Biblical Eldership (by A. Strauch)
Expository Preaching With Word Pictures (Jack Hughes)
The Reformed Pastor (by Richard Baxter)
Legacy of Sovereign Joy (by John Piper)
Whose Money Is It Anyways (By John MacArthur)
The Treasure Principle (by Randy Alcorn)
Baptist Life and Thought (By William Brackney)
By His Grace and For His Glory (Dr. Nettles) large sections
Knowing God (J.I. Packer) through ch 19
Way of the Master: Evangelism Training (Ray Comfort)
Evangelical Feminism & Biblical Truth (Wayne Grudem) large sections
Girl Talk (Carolyn Mahaney)
Various articles and commentaries on 1 Cor 11:2-16
Various articles and commentaries on 1 Tim 2:8-15
Various articles and commentaries on Titus 2
TMS Journal (on New Covenant Theology)

Books i've recently purchased:
Goldingay's commentaries on the Psalms.
The Minor Prophets editor McComisky
Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges


preacherman said...

Great report.
I pray God will bless your ministry in a powerful way.

Caleb Kolstad said...

Thanks Preacherman! The Lord bless your efforts to proclaim the gospel in TX as well!