Friday, March 23, 2007

Piper on TV

By prepared to say OUCH and join me in repenting. This is from Dr. John Piper's website/blogsite.

From "Justification by Faith":
There are millions who are numb to hope because of the God-belittling things they have done and how ugly they have become. They don’t lift lofty arguments against God’s Truth; they shrug and feel irretrievably outside. They don’t defy God consciously; they default to cake and television.

From "Take Care How You Listen! Part 2":
It astonishes me how many Christians watch the same banal, empty, silly, trivial, titillating, suggestive, immodest TV shows that most unbelievers watch--and then wonder why their spiritual lives are weak and their worship experience is shallow with no intensity.

From "Advice to Pastors: How to Help Your People Be More Satisfied in God":
Help your people to turn off the television. Few things in our culture are more spiritually numbing than the television. Even the so-called "good" shows are by and large banal and low-minded and anything but cultivating of a rich, deep capacity to enjoy God. And when you add to that the barrage of suggestive advertisements that accompany virtually every program, I do not wonder why so many of our professing Christians are spiritually incapable of experiencing high thoughts and deep emotions.

From "The Children, The Church, and the Chosen":
Fathers are worked to a frazzle and so are too dogged to spend quality time with children; mothers are lured away from their little children to the work force; children have their own activities, and the one thing that pulls them all to the same room makes zombies out of them all: the television.

From "Ten Effects of Believing in the Five Points of Calvinism":
One of the curses of our culture is banality, cuteness, cleverness. Television is the main sustainer of our addiction to superficiality and triviality.

From "A Prayer for Our Church":
O Lord, by the truth of your Word, and the power of your Spirit and the ministry of your body, build men and women at Bethlehem... who don't feed their minds on TV each night.


Tacosix said...

Very convicting.

I would add to this internet time that is outside of work related research and email. It sucks up time that could be better spent reading or better yet with the family. I am speaking form experience.

Thanks Caleb.

Caleb Kolstad said...


Yeah you right. Check out Joe Flatt's presentation on this subject at

Caleb Kolstad said...


It was great seeing your children at church yesterday. Maybe you all will end up back in Carmel?

We miss you guys!
