Saturday, October 14, 2006

Too busy to post here or anywhere

Not many people read this blog anyways.... I know that because i have not recieved any comments from anyone saying "hey Caleb! Why aren't you blogging." That's ok because everyone and their grandma has a blog these days AND their are much better one's to be reading then mine!

I have had the opportunity to preach through Jude 5, Jude 6, and Jude 7 on Sunday morning. If you are interested in what i said the mp3s are at

I also preached a special sermon on Is 53:10 (God's pleasure in crushing His Son) during our PM communion service. I did a small sermon for a funeral last Monday (from John 14:1-6) for some dear friends at my church (the Carrs). I also attended much of the NANC National conference.

In addition to these things are my duties as a youth pastor; putting together the FIRE regional pastors conference (which is Oct 16-18th at our church); and all the other things that need to happen (our Sr. Pastor has been on vacation the past 3 weeks).

My wife and baby daughter are in NY visiting some family right now. I taught an evangelism class this morning for our Upward Basketball coaches (Upward basketball is around the corner and this year i am coaching as well as continuing my role as League Commissioner). I've been teaching through a series on Pride & Humility in our new young marrieds/families/singles class. I'm using Mack's book, Scott's pamphlet, and Mahaney's short book. Good Stuff!

Please keep me in your prayers! God's grace is truly sufficient.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the churchills enjoyed the jude sermons. preach on, brother!
