Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The New Perspective on Paul (part 1)

The New Perspective on Paul

Opening Introduction

It has been said that nothing dispels a lie more quickly then the truth; & nothing exposes a counterfeit faster then examining the genuine object. Well-crafted counterfeit dollars often go unnoticed by the untrained eye. What every Counterfeiter fears is that someone will examine his bogus bill, while holding a genuine bill next to it. If you look at a genuine bill and compare it with a bogus bill you will expose all the inconsistencies.

Cubic Zirconia is a gemstone that is sometimes confused for a genuine diamond. It glitters and shines like a diamond but is obv. way less valuable! Diamond sellers must be very careful NOT to purchase counterfeit stones. The better they know genuine diamonds, the more equipped they are to purchase real ones. The more they know the qualities and characteristics of genuine diamonds the less likely they'll purchase a counterfeit.

In my estimation, the best way to combat heresy is to know the gospel message, inside and out. The better you know ‘the truth’ the more readily you’ll be able to uncover ‘error.’ One pastor said, “To recognize and expose fatal error is not judgmental, it is discerning. To communicate contrasting truth graciously, is not vindictive; it is loving.” Our own Pastor (Joe Flatt) has reminded us many times that “Every Christian is a theologian.” All of us need to study God’s Word diligently...Some of us simply need to turn off our TVs and open up the Book. According to the A.C. Nielson Co. (this from 1998) the average American watches over 3 hours of TV each day. By age 65 the average American will have spent nearly 9 years of his life glued to the tube. Need anyone answer the question, why is the Church so biblically ignorant?

We need to study the Word to know our God better! This should be motivation enough to have devotions every morning. Study the Scriptures to know your God. We also need to study the Bible for apologetic reasons. We should be ready to defend the Truth whenever necessary. 1 Peter 3:15 says,"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence." (Also note Jude 3).

Galatians, chapter 1, makes it very clear that there is only one true gospel. Galatians 1:6-9, "I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; 7 which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you, and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed."

Nothing is more important to the Church than the gospel of Jesus Christ! If you doubt this reality, do a careful Bible study through Galatians, Romans, or 1 & 2 Corinthians. When the church loses sight of the centrality of the Cross she is not far from grave danger; and if the church embraces or tolerates a heteros (“another”) gospel she is on the road to apostasy. Church history has proven the truthfulness of these assertions.

The next statement I’m about to make is radical but I believe it reflects the heart of Jesus and the Apostles: Every believer should be willing to sacrifice, and if necessary, to lay down their life for the purity of the Gospel!

In Mark 10:29-30, Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for My sake and for the gospel's sake, but that he shall receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the age to come, eternal life."

This reality has to grip us! If it doesn’t, then these lectures (during the next two weeks) will be of no interest to you. God’s gospel is infinitely precious (Note: Matthew 13:44-46); When you read through the 4 Gospels you’ll find Jesus preaching the gospel msg. everywhere he goes. The Bible says the gospel is “the power of God unto salvation”(Rom 1:16-17). Its value is incalculable!

Perhaps no human understood this reality better than the Apostle Paul In Acts 20:24 he declared, "But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, in order that I may finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God."

Paul’s personal encounter with the glory of God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ radically altered his entire life! Thus his purpose in life (Phil 2:21) was totally consistent with God’s passion for His glory (Eph 1:12, Isaiah 43:7)!

In 1 Corinthians 9:23 Paul said, “And I do all things for the sake of the gospel, that I may become a fellow partaker of it.”

You know that gospel has been assaulted in a variety of ways throughout church history.

I. On one spectrum there are ‘antinomian’ attacks- (“this view isolates justification from sanctification”). We see this heresy addressed by the Apostles in James, 2 Peter, and Jude.

II. On the other front, there are those who try and blend justification and sanctification together. This turns salvation into a process. It mixes human achievement w/sovereign grace. We see this heresy addressed by Jesus in the gospels and by Paul in Galatians and Romans (The Judaizers and the Pharisees).

III. One of the more modern day attacks on the euaggelion comes from within Evangelicalism: This movement is called, “The NEW Perspective on Paul.”
(also referred to as the NPP or NPP).

Let me say upfront, this subject is very technical. It is promoted by some very excellent New Testament scholars and thus is almost impossible to summarize and fairly critique in a 30 minute time period. Much of the material I’m discussing tonight comes from the excellent scholarship found in the books I’ve given you in the bibliography section of your notes. Please check out my bibliography for more in-depth research.

My objective during these lectures is really three-fold: (#1) I want to Examine the claims made by advocates of the NPP. What are they teaching? We can not fairly critique them if we don't understand what they are teaching.

(#2) I’d like to Briefly examine the ancient writings of the Church Fathers, the Reformers, and the Puritans.

And finally (#3) We’ll end by comparing all these teachings with HOLY SCRIPTURE, God’s infallible, unchanging word.

Once we accomplish this objective, we’ll quickly realize those who have taught the true biblical gospel and those who’ve invented a “new” one.


Digital Diet 365 said...
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Caleb Kolstad said...

Return to righteousness-

Please remove your comment from this post. I am really not wanting to get in theological arguments with people outside orthodoxy. It is especially inappropriate when you don't even interact with the persons blog. You simply copied your comment over from your blog and put it on mine. I will try and be consistent but not posting comments on any of your blogs or websites (besides my original one asking you to remove this comment).

Thank you


Digital Diet 365 said...

Hi Caleb..

How does one remove their comment?
