Saturday, April 29, 2006

Together for the Gospel

I had a great time at the T4TG conference this past week. One of my best friends Vidal Garza joined me for the trip down to L-ville. My favorite lectures were the ones done by Mahaney (on watch your life and your doctrine), Pastor MacArthur (on 40 years of Gospel ministry), and Piper (on expository preaching and the glory of God). All the sessions were great. Dever tried to jam 7 lectures/sermons and 5 Q and A times into 2 days worth of conference. It was a little over the top but still very profitable. :)

I was able to meet Joshua Harris and catch up with many old friends. When i went to talk with my former pastor John MacArthur he greeted me by saying "Pastor Caleb how are you?" To have one of my modern day heros address me as Pastor was a real highlight.

I will probably post more about the trip later in the week.

Together for the Gospel,


1 comment:

Caleb Kolstad said...

Mr Choo-

I'll never forget Dr. Farnell's class. Praise the Lord for your baby girl! Purdue is about 1 1/2 away from us. We have 3 Freshman college students there from our church this year.

I'll post about the conference as soon as i can.