Friday, September 30, 2005

The self-sufficient Christian

Does anyone have any thoughts about the "self-sufficient Christian."

The man or woman who does not want anyone getting into his/her business? The person who thinks privacy is the ultimate Christian luxury. The boy or girl who is "introverted." Etc, etc.

Verses like James 5:16, "confess your sins to one another" among many others seem to convey a different type of life-style.

Any verses, thoughts, opinions?


Caleb Kolstad said...

Thanks Shania,

If i ever need some cards printed or whatever I will have to use Banners.

Have an excellent day


Caleb Kolstad said...


Good thoughts.

You are thinking of passages like Gal 6, Matt 7, 1 Thess 5, Matt 18, etc.

If individual Christians obey those commands then you're right, we'll be intimately involved in one anothers lives.