Thursday, September 29, 2005

Luke 16:19-31

I recently preached a 2 PT sermon series from Luke 16:19-31. (see
I have never heard this portion of Scripture taught prior to last year (Al Mohler at TMC). Verse 31 is one of the most powerful verses in the NT; sadly it is often overlooked.

I think the message of this parable is timely and much needed.

I attended GCC for 13 years and have a tape library with over 500 MacArthur sermons. Like all of you, John has had an enormous impact on my walk with God. I graduated from both TMC and TMS. I was privilidged to be mentored by J Wragg and C Hardy; Two gifted men of God who've also been mentored by Pastor John (they of course, in a much more hands on fashion then us).

I believe Pastor MacArthur's sermon series on Jude at this past years Shepherd's Conference were some of his all-time best. They had a prophetic tone to them. Like his previous series on "Deliverance, the Neglected Doctrine."

Here is an edited quote from his 1st sermon on Jude 3-4,
“Doctrinal shallowness, doctrinal ignorance, doctrinal indifference dominates the church today.
We are far more concerned with style than we are with substance; More concerned with acceptance than accuracy;More concerned with popularity then power; Strong doctrine is seen as the enemy of Evangelicalism today! We are more concerned with providing people enjoyment than conviction; Self-fulfillment reigns over self-denial; Honoring the sinner is more important than honoring the Savior.

Pastors have been seduced into this by size and bigness and success!Entrepreneurs have overpowered the doctrinally undiscerning church.They’ve replaced men of God faithful to the Word;And they’ve completely taken over the Church.

Entrepreneurs are the new models of ministry.”

I told God's people this past Sunday, "What I fear Church, is that these days we sound much more like the Rich Man, then we do Abraham!"

I'm thankful consists of those men committed to the "outdated, insufficient Word."

Our Seminary President is a great example of this!

Preach the Word,


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