Saturday, February 14, 2009

Attacks on Biblical Womanhood

Media's Clamor Over True Woman `08 is Anti-Woman
Article by Jeff Robinson; February 9, 2009

The mainstream news media has discovered-with a vengeance, emphasis on vengeance-True Woman `08 nearly four months after the Revive Our Hearts women's conference took place. Last week, Gender Blog interacted with an article published by Religion Dispatches that typified TW as a "counter-cultural movement," but one that should be taken seriously.

More recently, Bonnie Erbe, a blogger on U.S. News and World Report's website, employs a far more pointed and acerbic tone in her assessment of TW, calling it the "anti-woman's movement." Erbe's tone is predictably, but disturbingly for a venue that pitches itself as a "news" magazine, facetious and condescending.

"Anti-women women have existed since time immemorial. Another way of putting it is, women have been smart enough for decades to make their living telling other women to stay home: witness Phyllis Schlafly (and her Eagle Forum), Beverly LaHaye (and her Concerned Women for America), and so on."

"Why don't men form groups to campaign against other men? Am I missing something? If any of you out there know of such a group, please post about it. Women don't need to form a movement to stay home, make babies and submit to their husbands. That's what most women did until a few decades ago. If there are those who want to continue on that path, fine! Just do it. But women have not always been allowed to work, or work in meaningful, high-paying jobs. That's why the women's movement was formed."

Erbe saves her best vitriol for the last sentence:
"Meanwhile, can we set up a new gender for so-called True Women, so normal women don't have to share anything in common with them?"

There are myriad ironies in here; Erbe, ostensibly a feminist, employs a highly abusive tone toward the women of True Women. The very thing she would presumably decry with gusto-the verbal abuse of women-she perpetrates because, in Erbe's mind, the women of TW do not fit the narrow feminist presuppositions that compose "true womanhood." Erbe is essentially calling the women of TW-and stay at home moms everywhere, which, for every irascible, left-wing feminist "news" commentator, there are probably tens of millions-fools and buffoons. This is nothing less than anti-woman slander.

By God's grace, the average woman in America-whether elite feminist journalists, who tend to inhabit small circles, are aware of it or not-follows God's design for women: most dress like women, most have female interests, most look like women, most have children, many work in the home and take care of their families and many work in jobs such as nursing that employ a woman's unique and wonderful gifts. Thankfully, Erbe's brand of mocking, bitter feminism-one that calls for relegating conservative women to a "third gender"- represents the views of a small but vociferous minority among our country's female citizenry. We pray that God's grace will open their eyes to see the ineffable beauty of a Gospel-entranced true womanhood.

Original Post Taken From

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good read, thanks! also, love the pics of the kiddos!

the churchillz