Monday, August 20, 2007

A Nation of Hypocrites

I am amazed at all the negative press surrounding Mike Vick's recent guilty plea. I think back to when President Clinton lied under oath about his adultery with Monica (and other ladies). I remember that through all this mess the nation embraced the President and his approval rating actually went up during much of this controversy. "Hey it was his personal life and who says adultery is that big of a deal anyways?"

Some people will argue that the President did not violate any Federal law when he choose to break his covenant vows with Hillary/God...of course who really cares about God's Law. Have you ever read the 10 commandments? The end of Romans 1 explains much of this so i won't go back into history past more than i need to.

Now i am not justifying what Mike Vick did to those animals (pit bulls). God created animals for a purpose, not the same purpose as man, but none the less I think most people would agree pets shouldn't be massacred for losing dog fights. (Of course many would argue domestic animals shouldn't be fighting in the first place). Don't misread this blog: Mike Vick was wrong and needs to be punished according to our nations laws. The thing that concerns me is how hypocritical our nation is. People justify so many clear cut sins these days it amazes me that many of the same people get crazy over something like this. How can you justify a woman's right to murder an innocent baby? How can you justify doctors who do this full time? If you try and equate the value of human life with animal life you have some major issues. It may be argued that both are precious, but humans were created in the image of God. Humans have souls.

I could cite lots of examples to further prove my point but i will let you think of your own.

We live in a nation full of self-righteous hypocrites. The gospel is needed as much now as ever before.

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