Monday, September 11, 2006

Are you ready for some football?

NFL: Go Bears!

So how did your Sunday go yesterday? My wife and I had a great day of worship combined with a wonderful day of football. Now typically i reserve my posts for serious matters (theology, doctrine, church matters) but from my TMS experience i know many of you men love the NFL (so a few posts now and again on trivial matters is probably appropriate).

I've been a Bears fan since 1982 (my first childhood photograph w/Bears clothing on) and I've stuck with them these 26 years. I was born in WI so you understand this never made me a popular guy around the house. My dad and older brother are both huge Packer fans. My little brother is a Houston Oilers fan (now the Tenn. Titans) which makes things interesting.

Moving from CA to IN has been great. One of the things that has been annoying is getting use to being on E.S.T. Monday night games start at 8:30pm or later so I'm in bed before the start of the third quarter.

People at our church are serious Colts fans! We live only 25 minutes from the RCA Dome. As you can imagine Peyton is a very popular baby name out here. I've rambled on long enough so I will ask one last time: How was your Sunday?

Keep on keeping on,



Anonymous said...

we're thinking of naming our baby 'peyton' whether it's a boy or a girl. we just love the colts that much.

it's between that and 'tiki'.

-laura and chris

Anonymous said...


Peyton is NOT a big game QB. That's why i take Tom Brady in a playoff game any day over Manning.


Name your boy Brady or Tom but not Peyton. :)

Anonymous said...


Caleb Kolstad said...

How BOUT those Bears!