Wednesday, January 25, 2006

11 reasons (continued) J MacArthur


-->This is not an issue to divide Believers.

MacArthur and Sproul are very good (personal) friends.

There are many examples of biblical friendships between men who strongly disagree over eschatology.

The Together for the Gospel conference is a perfect example of how we should relate towards one another concerning these secondary matters.

Eschatology is a “secondary” Biblical issue because the heart of the gospel is not at stake.

This is an issue (none the less) which needs to be interpreted through the grid of Scripture. All of must strive for biblical exegesis (i.e. a truly biblical theology).

NOTE--> The Bible can not teach both Premillennialism and Amillennialism.

There are some mistaken notions of Premillennialism (and Amill. too).

Friends, a Few Additional Thoughts:

Read OT passages like Ezekiel 40-48; etc. And NT passages like Rom 9-11, Revelation 20.

Roman Catholic eschatology is Amillennial.

Luther did not reform completely from all of R.C. theology (baptism, eschatology, communion, etc).

If you use a consistent (normal) hermeneutic you come up with Premillennialism; even some Amillennialist state this (note what Floyd Hamilton, L Boetner, and O.T. Allis say all of whom are covenantal theologians).

Historical grammatical hermeneutics need to be used throughout all genres.

The promise in Gen 17:6 (of Kings) was literally fulfilled; Dan 2, 7, 8 predictions were also literally fulfilled. Spiritualizing prophetic literature is foolish!

Habakkuk predicted the Babylonian captivity and it was fulfilled literally. The promise in Gen 49 (tribe of Judah) was fulfilled literally as were all the OT prophetic passages.

The future for Israel will be fulfilled literally as well!

Israel is only temporarily set aside as Romans 9-11 clearly teaches!

3 more areas to consider:

1. The Earthly reign of Messiah (It is an EARTHLY Reign)
READ…… Rev 5:10; 11:15-18; 20:3, 8.

2. The Future Restoration of Israel (Jer 30:3, 11, 22; 31:35-37; Zech 12-13)

3. The Promises of the Davidic Kingdom (Psalm 89; Jer 33; 2 Sam 7; Is 7:14; Luke 1; Acts 1:8).

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